
Lessons & Training


$55 Private Lessons


$300 Half Lease

This includes one lesson a week group or private and one hack ride a week outside of a regularly scheduled lesson time.

$45 Training Rides

Lessons are sold in a minimum package of 4. If you would like to take a trial lesson before purchasing a set of lessons, we are happy to do one single trial lesson.

Cancellation policy: 24 hour notice prior to your lesson is preferred. We realize that sometimes there are emergencies. Lessons cancelled with less that 24 hour notice are still responsible for payment of said lesson. (Emergency situations are excluded.) Our schedule is flexible, so if you need to reschedule your regular lesson time please just let us know with advanced notice, and we will be glad to make accommodations.

If you would like to retain your regularly scheduled lesson appointment, We strongly encourage purchasing a set of lessons.


  • $25

  • $35

  • $200 plus sedation if needed

  • $35

  • $25

  • $50 This includes face and legs